20 Mule Team Borax™ is an all-natural and versatile multi-purpose cleaner and detergent booster. Its most popular uses include arts, crafts, cleaning, and laundry.

August United approached MCC for an explainer animation to answer the question, "what is Borax?" Although Twenty Mule Team Borax boasts over a 100-year history, many customers are unaware of the ingredients and turn to Google for answers. The resulting video needed to be cohesive and concise to impact customer Google results, boost social engagement online, and help their audience best understand Borax.

The Mission.

This animation captures the cleaner's clean, natural, and versatile qualities. MCC took on this all-inclusive animation and creatively directed the project from start to finish.

The Idea.

MCC worked with August United to define the visual style based on the brand's personality. Organic, fresh, and open were defining characteristics of the design. Through discovery sessions, feminine, organic, alive, strong, fluid, and pristine were other defining traits.


The Design.

We explored four different styles with varying color schemes. Ultimately, the team determined the style based on its airy, feminine, and approachable aesthetic. Identifying factors included delicate line weight, white space, and overlapping shapes.

Although we explored vibrant and pastel color palettes, we returned to the Borax brand colors to keep brand consistency. The only exception to the color scheme was MCC introducing an organic green shade since it helped reinforce the psychological behind "natural." Light texturing and neutral gray colors added a subtle nod to the powdery texture of Borax.

Below are explored styleframes to determine the visual mood.


The Animation.

MCC used animation to reinforce the brand's growth, openness, and honesty by utilizing easing and scaling techniques. The movement took an elegant approach with gentle fades, smooth shifts, and circular motions as the organic shapes slid together. Growing plants and cloud-like accents added interest and layering.

This scene depicts how the elements in Borax’s elements are also used as ingredients in other every-day items.


The Challenge.

Make the animation match this cleaning product's natural and approachable feel and increase user awareness of the brand and ingredients. This involved creative discovery sessions at every project milestone (script, design, storyboard, and animation).


The Impact.

August United's launched the animation as part of a social media campaign with 20 Mule Team Borax. The team was thrilled with the animation and project execution!

See below: the explainer animation is live on the brand’s official instagram page @20muleteamborax_.


The Final Product.


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